PlantWise Help

Creating Data Tables

Data Table Definition Editor.

From the Data Table List select Table > New Table Definition menu to open the Data Table Definition Editor.

  1. Enter a name in the Table Name field.
  2. If your table contains dimensioned data, select either English or Metric, to match the units of your project, from the Dimensions radio buttons. If not, select Dimensionless.
  3. Enter the column headers (field names) in the Field Specification field.
  4. If the field name is of a keyed column, check the Key? box. Each entry in a table needs to be unique from all the rest. You specify how each entry is unique with a key. For example, each pipe class code is different from all of the others and thus the Pipe-Class column is the key for the table. However, in the cradle-dimensions table, there can be multiple cradle-thicknesses for each pipe size; but, the combination of pipe-size and insulation-thickness is unique and both columns are designated as keys.
  5. Click Generate Table. Opens the table form for you to edit.
  6. After entering data into the table, click Accept.